Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kinda busy

Hi there old chaps.

I was a bit busy the last two weeks with a game project I´m currently working on. I will try to post some more stuff the next days.

I begin more and more to feel unstatisfied with my current situation at the university but I try to keep going. Many things have changed in my mind and gave me a new view of myself and the people around me. I hope this will get to a good end.

Anyway, my skills in 3D expand in a way which I had never expected. Our recent task was to build a model after a given concept. A picture of an old house got my attention and made me model a "The Settlers 7"-like building.

I should get some sleep now.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, why dont you go ahead and explain why this glorius Master of Graphics is a fool...

    2. caus teh graphics suk...
      evn gooby loaks bettr,
      was acualy dolan teh whol taim
